MAKE YOUR OWN WHITEBOARD ANIMATIONS. CLICK THE LINK! http://tidd.ly/69da8562 . This is an affiliate link. I earn commission from any sales, so Please Use! …
BYU-Idaho Study Skills Video: Learning Pastures
Create a effective timetable for revision, study or work so you can work productively 🔴 Subscribe for new Meditations every Monday 🔴: …
How to study for exams, especially if it's the night before and you're freaking out. Awesome exam prep (particularly if you’re cramming) starts with a…
Learn the best tips for studying based on evidence of what works.
These study strategies go beyond the basics - memorization techniques, methods of fighting procrastination by hacking akrasia, a way to win the respect of your…
To download a nice 5 Whys Checklist and PowerPoint 5 Whys Template, visit: http://www.lsscoach.com/5Whys #rootcause #sixsigma
In this video, you’ll learn about kinds of logical fallacies and how to spot them. Visit https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/problem-solving-and-decision-making/ to learn…
A wise man once said “The quality of your life is defined by the questions you ask.” We animated this short video to help you to improve the quality of…
Unconscious Bias E-learning helps you you to challenge Unconscious Bias in the workplace. https://marshallelearning.com/e-learning-courses/unconscious-bias/ Our…
Critical Thinking encompasses six vital skills: problem solving, analysis, creative thinking, interpretation, evaluation, and reasoning. These skills are…
In this episode, we offer essential tips, give you a mock lecture for practice, & compare different note-taking systems. Here's the breakdown: Part1:…
Reading faster is possible, even if speed reading isn't always the best way to go about it. Here are 5 methods you can use to read more books in less time. …
Have you ever spent a lot of time reading a textbook only to still feel unprepared for an exam or assignment? Learn how applying the P2R (Preview, Read actively, Review)…
In this lesson, Shawna explains the seven steps you can follow to improve your reading skills at university.
Organizational Patterns-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/youtube/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. …
Sign up for our WellCast newsletter for more of the love, lolz and happy! http://goo.gl/GTLhb This weeks worksheet: http://bit.ly/10ZVSAW Do your notes look…
Cornell Note Formatting and the Cornell Way for AVID 8 by Mrs. Karpiuk. Revised 2/1/2017. 2016-2017.
Benedict Carey shares how changing your environment can help you retain more information. From his new book, HOW WE LEARN. In the tradition of The Power of…
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