https://www.executivespeakers.com/speaker/Matt_Dixon/ Matt Dixon is one of the world’s leading experts on sales, customer service, and customer experience. As…
Provided to YouTube by TuneCore Zero Population (feat. Kenny Holland, Carleton Bluford, Jenny Frogley, Aaron De Azevedo, Dallin Major & Talmage Egan) ·…
Speakers in order: Elon Musk, Chamath Palihapitiya, Dr. Shanna Swan, Jodan B. Peterson, Chris Williamson, Dave Chappelle. Elon Musk is the founder, CEO, and lead…
This video was made in partnership with Gates Ventures. The human population of the world will soon peak – and then decrease – thanks to a combination of…
Elder David A. Bednar warns of the harmful effects digital technologies can have on our souls and invites us to ask ourselves two questions to see if we are using these…
Explore what to do— and not to do— in order to deliver an authentic apology and make amends in a variety of situations. -- Over the years, people…
Millennials are turning away from religion faster than any other age group, yet the majority still believe in god or a universal spirit and are hungry for meaningful…
Check out that awesome FREE 3-in-1 personality quiz (and let me predict things about you): https://practicalpie.com/free-personality-test/ The full Personality…
Both mothers and fathers love their kids - but Steve found a few videos that shows that their are different approaches to parenting. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest…
Erica Komisar appears live on "GMA" to discuss her new book that is courting controversy, "Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood in the First Three…
Are you making others feel less important than a device? Video from the Banca Mediolanum National Convention, May 2023 + + + Simon is an unshakable…
Certain negative communication styles are so lethal to a relationship that Dr. John Gottman calls them the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. They predict relationship…
Psychologist and author Jordan Peterson discusses notions of gender equality with the Wright Stuff panel including Sophie Walker, leader of the Women's Equality…
Can you really fall in love with someone the first time you see them? Can Science Prove You’re In Love? ►►►► http://dne.ws/1NUgm91 Sign Up For The…
Bachelor Joey Graziadei's journey to find love will take him to many corners of the globe as he tries to figure out which woman is THE woman he will marry. There…
Robert Sternberg proposed something that has taken hold of the interest of many – from his fellow psychologists to psychology enthusiasts. He had proposed a theory…
Seinfeld - Kramer on Marriage Seinfeld - Season 7 Episode 1
There is a recent movement to replace the word “woman” with gender-neutral terms, such as “womb-carrier,” “birthing person,” or…
Everyone has a gender identity—a feeling or sense of being male, female or somewhere in between. Sometimes people’s gender identity matches their bodies, and…
Learn more: https://www.crossway.org/books/the-rise-and-triumph-of-the-modern-self-hcj/
“We have an archaic idea of what family is,” says Brooks in a new episode of The Idea File. The nuclear family unit, Brooks argues, is a privilege of the…
This video was created to explain to students what's in the testing center.
Ever wondered what flying Delta in the 80's was like? Here's a glimpse, with this funny safety presentation.
This video defines the broad-spectrum discipline of social science. Social Science is made up of anthropology, geography, sociology, political science and psychology.…
Our attitude toward, “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” is a test for this generation. Dr. Jenet Erickson joins us to discuss gender, the importance…
As the official airline of Middle-earth, Air New Zealand has gone all out to celebrate the third and final film in The Hobbit Trilogy - The Hobbit: The Battle of the…
Harness the power of words for personal transformation: www.andreagardner.co.uk. Order 'Change Your Words, Change Your World' book at http://amzn.to/xfrT2U. To…
Concert for Kids Jacek KASPSZYK - dyrygent/conductor Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra/Orkiestra Filharmonii Narodowej recorded at Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall in…
What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a…
Ever wonder why some couples make it and others don’t? We’ve found it has a lot to do with the “Emotional Bank Account,” which represents the…