Scientists have long pondered how exactly life began here on Earth. Now, new research sheds light on Earth's creation, and the findings are not what you'd expect!
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RNA Was a Key Ingredient in Primordial Soup That Led to Life,0,7718358.story
"How did we go from a lifeless Earth with no oxygen to a planet teeming with life and that essential element? Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have found one crucial clue: iron and RNA."
RNA With Iron As a Cofactor Catalyses Electron Transfer
"Mg2+ is essential for RNA folding and catalysis. However, for the first 1.5 billion years of life on Earth RNA inhabited an anoxic Earth with abundant and benign Fe2+."
Origin of Life: Power Behind Primordial Soup Discovered
"Researchers at the University of Leeds may have solved a key puzzle about how objects from space could have kindled life on Earth."
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