Search for tag: "career center"

Informational Interview Advice from BYU-Idaho Students

This video shares advice from six BYU-Idaho…

From  Sheila Wener 2 likes 409 plays 0  

What is Your Greatest Weakness Question

This video teaches you how to answer the…

From  online learning media 1 likes 592 plays 0  

Tell Me About Yourself Question

This video explains how to answer the "Tell…

From  online learning media 1 likes 627 plays 0  

Using STAR Model in an Interview

This video teaches you about the STAR Model and…

From  online learning media 0 likes 608 plays 0  

Salary research

This video teaches how to research salary ranges…

From  Sheila Wener 1 likes 211 plays 0  

What to include if you don’t have work experience

02:12 mins, "What to include if you…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 1,328 plays 0  

Salary Negotiation at Job Offer

This video teaches how to negotiate salary when…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 129 plays 0  

Employer List

In this video you learn what an employer list is…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 2,579 plays 0  

How to Answer Salary Question in an Interview

This video teaches you how to respond to the…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 121 plays 0  

What is BYU-I Career Center's Method for Job Market Readiness?

This video gives a brief description and overview…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 2,469 plays 0  

Why Informational Interviews - Christopher Galbraith Story

This video shares Christopher Galbraith's…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 2,486 plays 0  

Tips for Creating an Employer List

This video provides tips students can use to find…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 1,922 plays 0  

How to prepare to attend a Career Market/Fair

This video teaches you 7 things you can do to…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 147 plays 0  

Career Center Promo

A student visits the BYU-Idaho Career Center to…

From  Michael Ballard 3 likes 1,048 plays 0  

P2B Promo Fall 2022

Get your tickets for October 7, 2022 at…

+1 More
From  Michael Ballard 1 likes 581 plays 0  

Resume Summary

This video teaches students how to write a resume…

From  Sheila Wener 1 likes 732 plays 0  

Organizing Sections on a Resume (1)

This video teaches how to organize the sections…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 1,707 plays 0  

Tailoring Your Resume

This video teaches students how to tailor their…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 1,442 plays 0  

Resume Formatting

This video teaches an approach to formatting a…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 2,636 plays 0  

Writing Resume Bullets

This video teaches about the elements that should…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 1,440 plays 0  

Creating Your Portfolium Profile

This video demonstrates how to use Portfolium to…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 197 plays 0  

Creating Your Handshake Profile

This video demonstrates how to use Handshake to…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 951 plays 0  

Join a BYU-I Campus Society

This video teaches you the benefits of joining a…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 444 plays 0  

Following up after an Informational Interview

This video teaches when and how to follow up…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 1,934 plays 0  

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

This video teaches what you need to know to…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 2,607 plays 0  

Connecting with Alumni Using BYU-I Connect

This video demonstrates how to use BYU-I Connect…

From  Sheila Wener 1 likes 686 plays 0  

How to Conduct an Informational Interview

This video teaches what you need to know to…

From  online learning media 0 likes 2,322 plays 0  

Using Job Boards

This video teaches why job boards are still an…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 661 plays 0  

Managing your Network Contacts

This video teaches you how to keep track of the…

From  Sheila Wener 0 likes 430 plays 0  

Creating and Posting Content on LinkedIn

This video teaches what types of content you can…

From  online learning media 1 likes 816 plays 0