00:41duration 41 seconds
Kylie - Making the Decision to Keep the…
Kylie - Making the Decision to Keep the Commandments
A new member discusses keeping the commandments
00:48duration 48 seconds
Marcel - Keeping the Commandments
02:41duration 2 minutes 41 seconds
Jameson - Making the Decision to Keep the…
Jameson - Making the Decision to Keep the Commandments
01:03duration 1 minute 3 seconds
Hansika - Learning How Keeping the Commandments…
Hansika - Learning How Keeping the Commandments Brings Blessings
A new member discusses blessings from keeping the…
01:01duration 1 minute 1 second
Jon-Patrick - Keeping the Commandments
A new member disccuses keeping the commandments
41:41duration 41 minutes 41 seconds
Kim B. Clark "Obedience to the Commandments…
Kim B. Clark "Obedience to the Commandments of the Lord"
Devotional by Kim B. Clark on August 30th 2005,…