Search for tag: "gs 120.2g"

Online Courses

BYU-Idaho online instructors talk about their experience.

From  Seth Nehring 0 likes 1,020 plays 0  

Pathway Mission Couples

What do Pathway missionaries do? Listen to some of them explain what the Pathway experience is like for them.

+3 More
From  Seth Nehring 0 likes 4,563 plays 0  

Weekly Gatherings

A look at the weekly gathering meetings for Pathway students.

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From  Seth Nehring 0 likes 3,624 plays 0  

Adjusting to Change

Tiago Vidigal, a BYU-Idaho student from Brazil, discusses the difficulties of adjusting to college life in a different country with a new wife.

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From  Seth Nehring 1 likes 103,069 plays 0