Search for tag: "nurs 310"

Intake and Output

The appropriate amount of fluid for a healthy individual to take in and put out every day. Questions: How many milliliters a day should a healthy person have for intake and output?

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Fluid Volume Excess (FVE)

Signs and symptoms, nursing interventions, and causes of Fluid Volume Excess. Questions: What are the characteristics of Fluid Volume Excess?

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Fluid Volume Deficit (FVD)

Signs and Symptoms and nursing interventions for a patient with Fluid Volume Deficit. Questions: What are the characteristics of Fluid Volume Deficit? Question: What are the signs and symptoms…

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Hypernateremia & Hyponatremia

This video is about Hypernateremia & Hyponatremia.

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Intravenous (IV) solutions

A discription of isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic IV solutions. Questions: What is the difference in between the types of IV solutions? Question: Isotonic, hypertonic and hypotonic solution…

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Fluid Compartments and Movement of Fluids

This video is about Fluid Compartments and Movement of Fluids.

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Wound Terms

Dehiscence, eviseration, eschar, granulation, epithelialization, collagen, hematoma, fistula, erythema, debridement. Question: Definitions of various wound-healing terms

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Hand Washing

Rules of hand-washing Question: What are the rules of hand-washing?

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Surgical Asepsis vs Medical Asepsis

This video is about sterilization.

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Wound Drains

Hemovac drain, jackson pratt drain, penrose drain, T tube, drainage characteristics. Question: What are the different types of wound drains?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 122 plays 0  

Wound Care Part II

Wound dressing types, how to change a dressing, wound irrigation. Question: What are the different wound dressings and in what circumstances would they be used?

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Wound Care Part I

"How to do wet to dry dressing change, wound irrigation (very briefly), wound debridement, wound culture, wound dressings" Question: What are the various ways a wound can be cleaned?

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Nursing Interventions for Pressure Ulcers

Positioning, nursing diagnosises for pressure ulcers, SMART goals, documentation of pressure ulcers, risk factors for poor healing, nutrition for proper healing, indications of infection. Question:…

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 913 plays 0  

Sensory Deficits

Interventions for patients with hearing deficit, vision deficit, touch deficit, balance deficit, taste deficit, speech deficit. Question: What are nursing interventions for paitents with sensory…

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 34 plays 0  

SIADH vs Diabetes Insipidus

Causes of SIADH & DI, signs and symptoms of SIADH, nursing interventions for SIADH, signs and symptoms of DI, nursing interventions for DI. Question: What are the main differences between SIADH…

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Isolation Precautions

Patient teaching, contact precautions indications and proper implementation, droplet precautions indications and proper implementation, Airborne precautions indications and proper implementation,…

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Pressure Ulcers

Prevention of pressure ulcers, stages of pressure ulcers, wound assessment, wet-to-dry dressings, patient teaching. Question: How could pressure ulcers be avoided?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 12 plays 0  


Oxygenation assessment, signs of respiratory difficulty/hypoxia, narcotic affect on respirations, oxygen delivery, nursing interventions for low O2 sats, patient teaching Question: What are proper…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Pain Assessment

PQRST method, COLDER method, acute pain vs. chronic pain. Question: How would one do a proper and thorough pain assessment?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 71 plays 0  

Chain of Infection

Chain of infection, ways to prevent infection, how infection can be spread, what puts one at risk for infection Question: What is the chain of infection?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 83 plays 0  

Categories of Wound Healing

Description of catagories of wound healing, examples of when each catagory is used. Question: What are the catagories of wound healing?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Unstageable Pressure Ulcers and Deep Tissue Injury

Slough, eschar, role of wound care nurse, deep tissue injury, prevention of shear, prevention of pressure ulcers. Question: What is slough and eschar?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 108 plays 0  

Pressure Ulcer Staging

Pressure ulcer staging, blanching, nursing interventions to prevent pressure ulcers, nursing diagnosis for each stage, undermining, tunneling. Question: What are the stages of pressure ulcers?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 23 plays 0  

Diabetes: Type I vs. Type II

Differences between type I diabetes and type II diabetes Question: What are the main diferences between type I diabetes and type II diabetes?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 16 plays 0  


Types of burns, degree of burns, rule of nines, body compensation mechanisms, nursing interventions Questions: What are the types of burns? What are nursing interventions for patients with burns?

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Kidney Function

primary functions of the kidneys, secondary functions of the kidneys Question: What are the primary and secondary functions of the kidneys?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 89 plays 0  

Responding to Incidents

Steps to take when an incident occurs, reasons to fill out an incident report,needle stick injury prevention, patient teaching for medication administration, IM injection sites. Question: How should…

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Peak and Trough

Peak and trough explanation and purpose, therapeutic range of drugs. Question: What is the peak and trough of a medication, and why is it done?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 112 plays 0  

Digoxin Toxicity

Causes of med toxicity, digoxin toxicity cause and treatment Question: What are the causes of medication toxicity?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 53 plays 0  

GI and GU Assessment

GI assessment, constipation prevention, UTI symptoms, prevention and treatment Question: What is included in a GI assessment?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 68 plays 0