08:50duration 8 minutes 50 seconds
Four Sympathetic Nervous System Routes
What are the four sympathetic nervous system…
10:47duration 10 minutes 47 seconds
Neurons of the ANS
What do the odd and even receptors do in the…
02:48duration 2 minutes 48 seconds
The Extrinsic Control of the Cardiac Cycle
This is a video about how the sympathetic and…
04:00duration 4 minutes 0 seconds
Four Pathways of Sympathetic Nervous System
What are the four pathways of the sympathetic…
08:30duration 8 minutes 30 seconds
Review of Antagonist and Agonist Use on Receptors
How do antagonist and agonist precesses effect…
08:35duration 8 minutes 35 seconds
Functions of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic…
Functions of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Systems
What parts of the body do these two systems…