Search for tag: "wdd 230"

Lazy Loading: Google Map Example Demonstration

This video demonstrates the native lazy loading attribute allocation of the Google Map embedding process.

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From  Jason Blazzard 3 likes 1,006 plays 1  

Validating CSS

How to validate your CSS using the jigsaw server directly or making use of Chris Pederick's Web Developer tool for both Chrome and FireFox. Changing the default CSS level settings in the…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 27 plays 0  

XAMPP Installation for Windows

A video demonstration installing XAMPP to Window 10. For troubleshooting tips consult

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Typography tutorial: Hierarchy and functionality

This typography tutorial explains the role of hierarchy within a typographic design, including factors such as the size, weight, color, and position of type. Watch more at…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 107 plays 0  

Title Element

The title element in an html page is under-rated and often neglected. This short video demonstrates why the title element is important, how it is used and why it should be paid attention to.

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Testing PHP in Brackets with XAMPP

The built-in web server in Brackets cannot handle PHP development and testing. Using a local development environment with Brackets is necessary for PHP testing. This video demonstrates the workflow…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 22 plays 0  

Posting a link to a Collaboration Board

Using BrightSpace this video demonstrates adding a link to text in a collaboration board (discussion board). This is useful for the Getting Acquainted video as well as for all future URL postings to…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 18 plays 0  

PHP Modularization

Modularizing common site content using PHP and snippet pages is demonstrated.

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 27 plays 0  

MySQL PDO Tutorial Lesson 1 - Connection The PDO object takes a maximum of four parameters, of which only three are obligatory, so we start out by creating a new instance of the PDO class and assigning this to the object…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Message Map How to Pitch anything in 15 seconds

In this WDD 230 video Forbes Contributor Carmine Gallo tells you how to pitch anything in 15 seconds using a Message Map.

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 88 plays 0  

JavaScript Modularization

This video demonstrates the use of jQuery to modularize (load) html snippet files into an html template. By using this process common content can be dynamically injected into web pages. The noscript…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 178 plays 0