Search for tag: "general"

Ronald A. Rasband - "What's Not To Love?"

A Brigham Young University - Idaho devotional address by Ronald A. Rasband entitled "What's Not To Love?”, given on Sunday, February 13, 2022 at the BYU-Idaho Center. CLICK HERE for…

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From  Media Transfer 4 likes 857 plays 0  

Melanie Rasband - "Soul Shined?"

A Brigham Young University - Idaho devotional address by Melanie Rasband entitled "Soul Shined?”, given on Sunday, February 13, 2022 at the BYU-Idaho Center. CLICK HERE for ASL…

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From  Media Transfer 4 likes 412 plays 0  

Carol Lu Wong - “General Conference Study Plan”

Devotional address given by Sister Carol Lu Wong on April 27, 2021

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From  Media Transfer 0 likes 285 plays 0  

ARCH 270 W09 Chapter 12 General Conditions

ARCH 270 W09 Chapter 12 General Conditions

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ARCH 270 Video: Plan Reading- Arch General Sheets

ARCH 270 Video: Plan Reading- Arch General Sheets

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From 0 likes 967 plays 0  

ARCH 270 Video: Plan Reading- General Sheets & Code Analysis

ARCH 270 Video: Plan Reading- General Sheets & Code Analysis

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Pathway - World Report General Conference - April 2017

World Report feature of Pathway from April 2017 general conference

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From  Seth Nehring 1 likes 3,926 plays 0  


Explanations of the function of prions and introduction on viral pathogenesis, and oncogenic viruses. Question: What are prions?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Animal Virus Replication Strategies

The differences between animal virus replication with a +RNA, -RNA, dsDNA and retrovirus genome. Also, the similarities and differences between latent and lysogenic, as well as prophage and provirus.…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 752 plays 0  

Duration of Illness - Acute, Chronic, and Latent

The difference between acute, chronic and latent infections, including the presence or abscence of an incubation period, prodromal period, period of illness, period of decline, and convalesence. Q:…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 806 plays 0  

Primary and Secondary Infections

Explanation of primary and secondary infections Questions: What is the difference between primary and secondary infections?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 1,166 plays 0  

Course of Infectious Disease

A discussion on the incubation period, prodromal period, period of illness, period of decline and convalensence during an infectious disease. Questions: What are the different periods found during…

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 68 plays 0  

Antibiotics Part 1

Explanation of the target, cidal vs. static, and broad vs. narrow for antibiotics. Beginning of Penicillin discussion. Questions: What do we need to know about each of the antibiotics?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 66 plays 0  

Microbiology Medias

Each different type of media and what they each do. Questions: What are the different types of medias?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 35 plays 0  


An explanation of the different types of vaccines. Question: What are the different types of vaccines?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Chemical Methods of Control

Chemical methods of control with their target, cidal or static, broad or narrow, antisceptic of disinfectant. Questions: What are the various chemical methods of control with their target, cidal…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Physical Methods of Control*

Cidal/Static, Broad/Narrow, and Target of the physical methods of control: heat, radiation, filtration, osmotic pressure. Questions: What are the various physical methods of control, and what do…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Microbiology Introduction to Methods of Control

Introduction to chemical and physical methods of control. Questions: What are the different methods of control?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 47 plays 0  

Types of Media

Types of Media

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 88 plays 0  

Structures - Plasmids vs Bacterial Chromosomes

Structures - Plasmids vs Bacterial Chromosomes

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 304 plays 0  

Structures - Capsule, Capsid, and Endospore

Structures - Capsule, Capsid, and Endospore

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 436 plays 0  

Structures - Bacteria

Structures - Bacteria

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Genus and Species

The difference between Genus and Species, and how they are associated with bacteria and viruses. Questions: "What is the difference between Genus and Species, and how do we use this to name…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 238 plays 0  

Phage Viruses vs. Animal Viruses

The differences and similarities of phage and animal viruses in addition to the definitions of obligate intracellular parasites and phage therapy. Questions: What are the similarities and…

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 2,259 plays 0  

ELISA Test Part 3

Final part of the ELISA discussion. In this video we highlight what kind of test the ELISA is, and why. Questions: How does the ELISA test work? What can you do an ELISA test on? Also, what kind of…

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 45 plays 0  


An explanation of how PCR works, and what it is used for. Q: What is PCR?

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From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 49 plays 0  

Mannitol Salt Agar Part 1

"The explanation of mannitol salt agar and what media it belongs to. " Questions: What is the Mannitol Salt Agar?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 73 plays 0  

ELISA Test Part 2

Continuation of the ELISA test discussion. Questions: How does the ELISA test work? What can you do an ELISA test on?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 29 plays 0  

ELISA Test Part 1

Beginning of ELISA test discussion. Questions: How does the ELISA test work? What can you do an ELISA test on?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 81 plays 0  


Different kinds of neurotransmitters and their functions. (Dopamine, acetylcholine, glutamate, serotonin etc.) Question: What are the neurotransmitters?

From  tutoringcenter 0 likes 34 plays 0