Search for tag: "pathwayconnect"

Achieve More by Setting Smart Goals

Want to be a quarter more productive and get a positive boost while you're at it? Start setting smart goals! Our fun video will not only explain what a smart goal is, but how you can set your…

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From  Online Learning Media 0 likes 6,660 plays 0  

What Is A Rubric?

Simple explanation of what a rubric is and how they work.

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From  Online Learning Media 1 likes 56,531 plays 0  

Format Numbers to Currency in Excel

This is a new version of the same video previously published under the same name. This version contains an explanation that the video reflects how Excel responds in the U.S. region. This video…

From  April Day 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Graphing Two Lines Using a Scatter Plot with Connected Lines

This video demonstrates how to graph two lines on the same graph using Excel.

From  April Day 0 likes 2,957 plays 0  

How to Make a Scatter Plot in Excel

This video demonstrates how to make a scatter plot in Excel, add axis titles, and adjust the axis tick marks and labels.

From  April Day 0 likes 32,916 plays 0  

Calculating Compound Interest Using the Compound Interest Formula

(New Version) This video goes over how to use the variables in the compound interest formula and do the calculations according to the order of operations. This new version of the video demonstrates…

From  April Day 0 likes 27,831 plays 0  

Format Numbers to Currency in Excel

This video goes over how to format cells in Excel to display as money.

From  April Day 0 likes 5,545 plays 0  

Pie chart in Excel

This lesson goes over how to make a pie chart in Excel and that the wedges represent the percentage, not necessarily the number of items.

+3 More
From  April Day 0 likes 5,334 plays 0  

Addition Using Excel

This video goes over several ways to add cells in Excel. It includes adding numbers, adding referenced cells, and using the sum function.

From  April Day 0 likes 11,249 plays 0  

Introduction to relative references in Excel

This video goes over the basics of using the name of a cell to reference it in another cell or formula.

+2 More
From  April Day 0 likes 5,644 plays 0  

Negative next to a number vs negative in parentheses

This video demonstrates the importance of identifying if a negative is being raised to the same exponent as the number next to it or not. A negative next to a number being raised to an exponent is…

From  April Day 0 likes 20,029 plays 0  

Relative References in Excel

This video goes over using relative references in Excel.

From  April Day 0 likes 1,710 plays 0  

A Blessing for Us – Angela Mencos

PathwayConnect gave Angela the opportunity to earn an online degree while providing for her family.

+6 More
From  Seth Nehring 1 likes 976 plays 0  


A clip focused enhancing personal interactions -- taken from the 2017 PathwayConnect Digital Marketing Webcast for missionaries.

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From  Seth Nehring 0 likes 90 plays 0  


A clip focused on how to use social media from the 2017 PathwayConnect Digital Marketing Webcast for missionaries.

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From  Seth Nehring 0 likes 81 plays 0  


A clip focused on the new BYU-PW website from the 2017 PathwayConnect Digital Marketing Webcast for missionaries.

+4 More
From  Seth Nehring 0 likes 199 plays 0